Cyanine5.5 Dye is a fluorescent dye that is commonly used in a variety of biological and biomedical applications, including in vitro labeling and in vivo imaging. It belongs to the family of cyanine dyes, which are characterized by their strong absorbance and emission in the near-infrared (NIR) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. This feature makes Cyanine5.5 Dye particularly useful in imaging applications as NIR light can penetrate deeper into tissues compared to visible light.
Cyanine5.5 Dye has a high molar extinction coefficient, meaning that it absorbs light efficiently, and a large Stokes shift, which allows for a clear separation between excitation and emission spectra. It also has good photostability, making it suitable for long-term imaging experiments. Furthermore, Cyanine5.5 Dye has low toxicity, making it safe for use in biological systems.