Thiazole Orange (thiazole-orange flow cytometry): Key Features and Uses
This product is a highly fluorescent dye that binds to DNA and RNA, brightening significantly upon interaction. It’s widely used in flow cytometry, microscopy, and cell viability assays.
thiazole-orange flow cytometry Spectral Data
- Excitation Maximum: 509 nm
- Emission Maximum: 532 nm
- Fluorescence Boost: Increases over a thousandfold when bound to nucleic acids.
- Flow Cytometry & Microscopy: Ideal for reticulocyte counting with LumiCell Reticulocyte Stain.
- Cell Viability: Detects live, dead, and apoptotic cells.
- High Sensitivity: Bright and reliable signals.
- Versatile Use: Effective in research and clinical diagnostics.
Thiazole Orange’s unique properties make it a valuable tool in nucleic acid detection and cell analysis.
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