dsGreen is used in real-time PCR, and 100× is a very sensitive dye for dsDNA detection. The high sensitivity and selectivity of dsDNA allows the use of dsGreen as a general-purpose dsDNA detection reagent for qPCR. There is no need to use labeled probes to detect amplification of dsGreen—unlabeled primers are sufficient.
Unlike other dsGreen preparations for gel staining offered by Axispharm, this preparation is specifically designed for real-time PCR experiments. The specific features are:
Dye concentrations optimized for qPCR and carefully tuned for reproducible results from batch to batch
PCR Test Preparations – Quality Assurance
Low fluorescence background – high fluorescence intensity gain
AxisPharm offers 5000+ PEG Linkers with high purity. Different kinds of PEG Reagents may be available by custom synthesis.