In Vitro ADME Services by AxisPharm: Fast, Accurate, and Insightful Analysis

AxisPharm delivers comprehensive in vitro ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) testing to optimize drug development. Equipped with advanced tools, we provide precise data on how your compound behaves, helping you make critical decisions early.

Key In Vitro ADME Tests at AxisPharmin vitro ADME services -AxisPharm

  1. Solubility Test: Evaluates compound solubility under various conditions, guiding formulation strategies.
  2. Microsomal Stability Assay: Tests stability in liver microsomes from species like mice, rats, dogs, and monkeys to predict metabolic clearance.
  3. Hepatocytes Stability Assay: Assesses metabolic stability and identifies major metabolites using liver cells.
  4. CYP450 Inhibition: Screens for inhibition of key enzymes (1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 3A4), highlighting potential drug-drug interactions.
  5. Caco-2 and MDCK-MDR1 Permeability Assays: Measures intestinal absorption and interaction with efflux transporters to predict bioavailability.
  6. Plasma Protein Binding: Determines drug binding to plasma proteins, affecting its distribution and free concentration.
  7. Blood-to-Plasma Ratio: Evaluates how drugs partition between red blood cells and plasma, influencing overall distribution.
  8. LogD (Partition Coefficient): Analyzes lipophilicity, which impacts absorption and distribution.

Why Choose AxisPharm?

  • Comprehensive Testing: We offer a full suite of ADME tests to provide complete insights into your drug’s behavior.
  • Advanced Equipment: Our state-of-the-art lab ensures fast, reliable, and high-quality data.
  • Expert Team: Work with seasoned scientists who tailor studies to fit your project needs and provide actionable insights.


  • Drug Screening: Quickly identify the best candidates with favorable ADME profiles.
  • Formulation Optimization: Adjust formulations based on solubility, stability, and permeability data.
  • Regulatory Support: Generate robust data to back IND submissions and regulatory approvals.

Partner with AxisPharm for In Vitro ADME Services

AxisPharm’s in vitro ADME testing helps you reduce risks, save time, and drive your drug development forward. Contact us today to explore how our services can support your project with precise and insightful data.