Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Cleavable Linker for ADCs

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are sophisticated therapeutic agents designed to target and kill cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissues. Central to the efficacy of ADCs is the cleavable linker that connects the antibody to the cytotoxic drug. Choosing the right cleavable linker is critical to the success of an ADC, influencing its stability, efficacy, and safety. This ultimate guide will help you navigate the complexities of selecting the most suitable cleavable linker for your ADC.

Table of contents:

          1. Understanding Cleavable Linkers
          2. Key Considerations When Choosing a Cleavable Linker
          3. Evaluating Linker Performance
          4. Case Studies and Examples
          5. Future Trends in Cleavable Linkers

1. Understanding Cleavable Linkers

Cleavable linkers are designed to release the drug only after the ADC has entered the target cell. The cleavable linkers are strategically selected based on the desired mechanism of drug release. Here are the main types of cleavable linkers:

1.1 Disulfide Linkers

  • Mechanism: Cleaved by reducing agents inside the cell.
  • Applications: Commonly used in ADCs due to their stability in circulation and effective drug release mechanism.
  • Advantages: High stability in the bloodstream, effective release inside the cell.
  • Considerations: Requires a reducing environment for cleavage.


1.2 Peptide Linkers

  • Mechanism: Cleaved by specific proteases present in the target cells.
  • Applications: Suitable for ADCs targeting cells with specific protease profiles.
  • Advantages: High specificity for certain cell types or conditions.
  • Considerations: Potential variability in cleavage efficiency depending on the protease profile.


1.3 Acid-Labile Linkers

  • Mechanism: Cleaved in the acidic environment of lysosomes.
  • Applications: Ideal for ADCs intended to target intracellular compartments.
  • Advantages: Effective drug release in acidic environments.
  • Considerations: Limited to cells with active endocytic pathways.



2. Key Considerations When Choosing a Cleavable Linker

Selecting the right cleavable linker involves several factors:

2.1 Target Cell Characteristics

  • Cell Environment: Assess the biological conditions of the target cells, including pH, presence of reducing agents, and protease activity.
  • Endocytic Pathways: Consider the endocytic mechanisms and lysosomal activity in the target cells.


2.2 Drug Properties

  • Drug Stability: Ensure that the linker’s cleavage mechanism aligns with the stability requirements of the cytotoxic drug.
  • Release Mechanism: Match the linker’s cleavage properties with the drug’s need for effective release inside the cell.


2.3 Therapeutic Goals

  • Efficacy: Choose a linker that maximizes the therapeutic effect by ensuring effective drug delivery and release.
  • Safety: Select a linker that minimizes off-target toxicity and adverse effects.



3. Evaluating Linker Performance

Evaluate the performance of potential cleavable linkers by considering:

3.1 Stability and Cleavage Efficiency

  • Stability in Circulation: Assess how well the linker maintains stability in the bloodstream.
  • Cleavage Efficiency: Test the efficiency of the linker in releasing the drug inside the target cells.


3.2 Manufacturing and Scalability

  • Production Complexity: Consider the complexity of incorporating the linker into the ADC production process.
  • Scalability: Ensure that the linker can be used effectively in large-scale manufacturing.



4. Case Studies and Examples

Review case studies and examples of successful ADCs to understand how different cleavable linkers have been used:

  • 1. Case Study: Brentuximab Vedotin (Adcetris®)

    Brentuximab Vedotin (Adcetris®) is an ADC used for treating Hodgkin lymphoma and systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. It combines the antibody brentuximab, which targets CD30, with the cytotoxic drug monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE).

  • Linker Selected: Val-Cit-PAB
    • Linker Features:
      • Val-Cit: Peptide sequence cleaved by cellular esterases.
      • PAB (Para-Aminobenzyloxycarbonyl): Provides a flexible spacer.
    • Why Val-Cit-PAB?
      • Cleavage Efficiency: Efficient release of MMAE inside the target cell after internalization.
      • Stability and Safety: Prevents premature drug release and reduces systemic toxicity.


    • FDA Approval: Enabled targeted delivery of MMAE with reduced off-target effects.

    Further Reading:

  • 2. Case Study: Trastuzumab Emtansine (Kadcyla®)

    Trastuzumab Emtansine (Kadcyla®) is an ADC for HER2-positive breast cancer. It combines the antibody trastuzumab with the cytotoxic agent emtansine (DM1).


  • Linker Selected: MCC (4-(N-Maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxyl) Linker
    • Linker Features:
      • Maleimide Group: Reacts with thiol groups on mertansine (DM1), a tubulin inhibitor.the antibody.
      • Cyclohexane Ring: Provides stability and flexibility.
      • Acid-Labile Cleavage Site: Cleaved in acidic lysosomal environment.
    • Why MCC Linker?
      • Cleavage Efficiency: Cleaved in acidic conditions within lysosomes.
      • Controlled Drug Release: Ensures DM1 is released inside the lysosome for effective microtubule inhibition.
      • Stability and Safety: Protects DM1 from premature release.


    • FDA Approval: Provided effective and targeted delivery of DM1 with favorable safety profile.

    Further Reading:

  • 3. Case Study: Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (Mylotarg®)

    Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (Mylotarg®) is used for treating acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It combines the monoclonal antibody gemtuzumab with the cytotoxic agent calicheamicin.

    Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin - Mylotarg - hydrazone cleavable linker

  • Linker Selected: Hydrazone Linker
    • Linker Features:
      • Hydrazone Bond: Reversible bond cleaved by reducing conditions inside the cell.
      • Acid-Labile Cleavage Site: Cleaved in acidic environment of lysosomes.
    • Why Hydrazone Linker?
      • Cleavage Efficiency: Cleaved in the reducing environment of the cytosol for effective drug release.
      • Controlled Drug Release: Ensures calicheamicin is released inside the cell, inducing DNA damage.
      • Stability and Safety: Minimizes off-target effects and systemic toxicity.


    • FDA Approval: Enabled targeted delivery of calicheamicin with effective treatment of AML.

    Further Reading:

  • 4. Case Study: Inotuzumab Ozogamicin (Besponsa®)

    Inotuzumab Ozogamicin (Besponsa®) targets relapsed or refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). It combines the monoclonal antibody inotuzumab with the cytotoxic agent calicheamicin.

    Inotuzumab ozogamicinLinker Selected: Disulfide Linker

    • Linker Features:
      • Disulfide Bond: Reversible bond cleaved by reducing conditions inside the cell.
      • Cytosol Cleavage: Cleaved in the reducing environment of the cytosol.
    • Why Disulfide Linker?
      • Cleavage Efficiency: Cleaved in the cytosol after internalization and lysosomal processing.
      • Controlled Drug Release: Ensures calicheamicin is released inside the cell to induce apoptosis.
      • Stability and Safety: Provides stability in circulation and prevents premature drug release.


    • FDA Approval: Achieved effective and targeted delivery of calicheamicin with reduced off-target effects.

    Further Reading:



5. Future Trends in Cleavable Linkers

Stay informed about emerging trends and innovations in cleavable linker technology:

  • Novel Linker Chemistries: Advances in linker design to improve drug release mechanisms.
  • Personalized ADCs: Tailoring linkers to specific patient profiles for enhanced efficacy.
  • Regulatory Developments: Updates on regulatory requirements for cleavable linkers.



Choosing the right cleavable linker is crucial for the success of antibody-drug conjugates. By understanding the types of cleavable linkers, evaluating their performance, and aligning them with your therapeutic goals, you can optimize the design and efficacy of ADCs. This guide provides valuable insights to help you navigate the complexities of linker selection and enhance the development of effective and targeted cancer therapies.

Further Reading and Resources: