Bile Acid Panel in Metabolomics Services

Bile Acid Panel-Metabolomics Services

Bile acid panels evaluate specific metabolites in biological samples to assess liver health, lipid metabolism, and gut function. These tests detect disorders, monitor liver conditions, and analyze metabolic processes. Here’s a concise overview.

1. What Is a Bile Acid Panel?

The panel analyzes several types, including:

  • Primary Forms: Cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids, synthesized in the liver.
  • Secondary Forms: Deoxycholic and lithocholic acids, modified by gut bacteria.
  • Conjugated Forms: Glycine- or taurine-bound for improved solubility.

2. Methods for Measurement

Common techniques used for accurate analysis include:

  • LC-MS: High sensitivity for detection.
  • GC-MS: Ideal for analysis after derivatization.
  • NMR: Allows identification without complex preparation.

3. Uses of These Panels

  • Liver Health: Identifies imbalances in conditions like cholestasis and fatty liver.
  • Metabolic Disorders: Detects synthesis issues, such as in Zellweger syndrome.
  • Gut Health: Monitors changes linked to gut bacteria.
  • Regulation of Metabolism: Explores roles in cholesterol and insulin management.

4. Bile Acid Detection Limits

Here’s a table of bile acids and their LLOQ values in serum/plasma and feces:

Bile Acid Serum/Plasma LLOQ (ng/ml) Feces LLOQ (ng/g)
Cholic Acid 5.0 10.0
Chenodeoxycholic Acid 5.0 15.0
Deoxycholic Acid 4.0 12.0
Lithocholic Acid 6.0 20.0
Glycocholic Acid 3.0 8.0
Taurocholic Acid 2.5 7.0
Glycochenodeoxycholic Acid 3.5 10.0
Taurochenodeoxycholic Acid 3.0 9.0
Glycodeoxycholic Acid 4.0 11.0
Taurodeoxycholic Acid 3.5 10.0
Ursodeoxycholic Acid 5.5 13.0
Glycoursodeoxycholic Acid 3.0 8.5
Taurolithocholic Acid 4.5 14.0
Hyodeoxycholic Acid 6.0 18.0
Taurohyodeoxycholic Acid 5.0 15.0

5. Advantages

  • Early Detection: Identifies changes before symptoms arise.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Provides a detailed view of metabolism.
  • Personalized Care: Enables tailored treatment.
  • Therapy Monitoring: Tracks changes during treatment.

6. Challenges

  • Sample Handling: Requires proper storage to avoid degradation.
  • Variability: Diet and medications can affect results.
  • Complex Data: Needs expert interpretation.

7. Future Directions

  • Multi-Omics Integration: Combines data with other molecular information.
  • Real-Time Tracking: New tools for continuous monitoring.
  • New Biomarkers: Identifies markers linked to diseases.

8. Conclusion

Bile acid panels provide essential insights into liver function, metabolic regulation, and gut health. They support disease diagnosis and guide personalized care, making them valuable tools in precision medicine.

Contact us for a quote.


Fleishman, J.S., Kumar, S. Bile acid metabolism and signaling in health and disease: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Sig Transduct Target Ther 9, 97 (2024).